Go Kayak Now! will be offering ACA sea kayaking courses in Kalamazoo and South West Michigan.
Introduction to Paddling Lessons
What: This lesson offered through Lee’s Adventure Sports as a beginner course. This course is a sampler to give students an introduction to a variety of essential skills to help them get kick started.
• Wet exits/T-rescues
• Solo-re-entry cowboy scramble
• Forward Stroke
• Reverse Paddling
• Emergency Stops
• Sweep Strokes
Where: Ramona Park, Long Lake, Portage Michigan
June 23rd Lesson 10-12, followed by a demo from 1-3:00 PM
July 28 Lesson 10-12, followed by a demo from 1-3:00 PM
Aug 25 Lesson 10-12, followed by a demo from 1-3:00 PM
Cost: Through Lees. $35 Own equipment/$45 if Lee’s Provides.
Fundamentals of Rescue and Safety
This lesson offers a more extensive look at the fundamentals of safety and rescue. This is the stuff every paddler should know before heading out on the water. It is a very fun class with lots of hands on experience performing rescues. It is a great chance to develop practical skills safely and have fun getting wet.
• Wet Exits
• T-rescues, and variations
• Paddle presentation rescue
• Scoop Rescue
• Hand of god
• Eskimo rescue
• Towing and lines
Where: Ramona Park, Long Lake, Portage Michigan
When: June 30th 10-12 AM
Cost: $35.00 to Go Kayak Now! With own equipment. $45.00 If you rent the equipment from Lee’s for $10.00.
Important Note: for any class other than introduction to Kayaking, if you are renting equipment from Lee’s, you must contact the boat shop and make arrangements to transport the kayak. They have foam pads and straps for all types of cars and trucks.
Eskimo rolling
What: Eskimo rolling is the gateway skill for all of kayaking. It allows your skills to progress to the next level without getting bogged down in the worry about being upside down. We take a practical, non-mystical approach to rolling. We view this as an essential skill for kayakers and encourage everyone to learn.
We love to teach rolling, and need to have a good student to instructor ration.We do rolling by appointment for students or groups of students individually to ensure we can focus on teaching this course. To Make an appointment for rolling, email me@gokayaknow.com, or call 269.245.1526
Where: Long Lake DNR Boat Launch, South Long Lake Drive Portage Michigan.
When: By appointment.
A kayak that can have a full spray deck attached with thigh braces is required to learn to eskimo roll. If you are unusure if your kayak fits the bill contact me@gokayaknow.com and we will let you know.
Cost: $35.00 to Go Kayak Now! With own equipment. $45.00 If you rent the equipment from Lee’s for $10.00.
Important Note: for any class other than introduction to Kayaking, if you are renting equipment from Lee’s, you must contact the boat shop and make arrangements to transport the kayak. They have foam pads and straps for all types of cars and trucks.
Paddling in Current
What: This lesson offers a great introduction to moving water. We take the basics of moving water and break them down so that you can take full advantage of current.
• Basic concepts of current flow and eddies
• Ferry angles
• Breaking in and breaking out.
• Attaining and directional strokes
• Edging
• Directional Strokes with current assist
• Moving water safety
Where: Fannie Pell Park, Plainwell Michigan, North Main Street right before bridge over Kalamazoo river
When: July 14th, 10-12 AM
Cost: $35.00 to Go Kayak Now! With own equipment. $45.00 If you rent the equipment from Lee’s for $10.00.
Important Note: for any class other than introduction to Kayaking, if you are renting equipment from Lee’s, you must contact the boat shop and make arrangements to transport the kayak. They have foam pads and straps for all types of cars and trucks.
Directional Control
Being able to control a long skinny kayak is crucial to having fun on the water. Precision paddling takes a bit of practice and guidance. This class gives you the tools to be able to turn, move sideways, backwards and in circles for the fun of it.
• Sweep Strokes
• Rudders/Prys
• Draws
• Backwards paddling
• Edging/Carving turns.
Where: Long Lake DNR Boat Launch, South Long Lake Drive Portage Michigan.
When: Sep 1st, 10-12 AM
Cost: $35.00 to Go Kayak Now! With own equipment. $45.00 If you rent the equipment from Lee’s for $10.00.
ImportantNote: for any class other than introduction to Kayaking, if you are renting equipment from Lee’s, you must contact the boat shop and make arrangements to transport the kayak. They have foam pads and straps for all types of cars and trucks.
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went through the lower part of Boyscout Rapid on the Wolf R. upside down this Fall and don’t “know” that a roll would have helped in that instance but it would have been nice to try to find out! I’ll want to take a roll class(s) again this year as I swallowed a lot of water but will have to get back to you when we get a little closer to the dates.
I’ll post your times and dates to my list of folks!
I would like to sign up for the June 18th and 19th classes. Where do I reserve my spot and pay?
I plan to attend your clases on reading the river and risk assesment. How do I sign up and pay?
Keith Sandy, Judy, and myself would like to attend the class on May 15, 2011. Email me with your adddress and we will send you the money!
Cool Bob, we'll see you on the 1st.
My wife and I would like to enrole in all 3 Sunday courses for the month of April.
I would like to take a lesson on Sunday in April. I am a beginner and I would need to rent a kayak. How can I sign-up/ pay for the lesson and the kayak. Thanks!
Would like to take kayak lessons in April. What date can I start? ThanksBill
I’m interested in a skills class along with rolling. If you could get back with me so i can find out more about your classes. thanks
Where do we sign up for Sunday lessons? I have a kayak and necessary safety equipment. I would be considered a beginner with experience. Thanks you.
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