New Year, New Domain, New Message for Go Kayak Now!


Go Kayaking Now! the final frontier…

The new year is upon us.

I resolved to change the domain name and focus on what 98% of my posts where about-Kayaking. With that in mind, I resolved to come up with something that went with what my approach to life is more or less about. In looking back, I have about 280 posts either about kayaking or wishing I was kayaking. And about 40 posts about running and cycling, music and miscellany. So I may as well pony up and make the message for the site what I am really writing about.

Often we resign ourselves to believing we cannot do something, or that we shouldn’t try something new out of fear. Fear that we may appear foolish, that it may take too much time to learn. Kayaking along with most other pursuits is about hours spent in practice. If you spend your time, you progress. If you go kayak now, you will get better. I think you get the idea. However if I lapse and write about cycling, music, or otherwise, I’m sure I will be forgiven.

Without the vanity domain, it leaves the door open for guest writers and other avenues. Not to mention people may be less inclined to think of me as a shameless self-promoter! There may be some latent seo effects as well.

You can still reach all of the content from the old domain. But I would recommend updating your RSS Feed to the new domain.


  1. Hey, nice new Keith. . oh I mean GoKayakNow. . . LOL! Whatever makes you comfy in your own skin! Looks good.

  2. Test o rama on the comments.

    Got to make sure it’s up and running.