Top Ten Alternate Paddlefloat Uses Contest Winners

Here are the winners for the top ten alternate paddlefloat uses contest.

10. Used as a pillow when touring.
9. Wrist immobiliser for paddlers with repetitive strain injury.
8. Sea anchor – use tow system hooked up to paddle float to reduce wind drift.
7. Stuffed into one’s wetsuit as a curve enhancer. Done properly, it works for women and men.
6. Emergency Urinal.
5. Yellow pad for campsite numbers & preferred beers.
4. A ThighMaster (a key part of my workout routine since, oh, sometime in the 80’s)
3. Wine “Bota-bag”.
2. Use two of them with strings & weights to setup english gates course to practice reverse figure of eights.
1. Draw Spongebob Squarepants face on it. Then you can talk to him on lonely paddles, just like Tom Hanks & Wilson in “Castaway”.

This is the chest logo:
Go Kayak Now Chest Logo Tee Shirt

This is a preview of the front for a men’s shirt:
Front of Go Kayak Now Tee-shirt

This is a preview of the back:
Back of Go Kayak Now tee shirt top ten alternate paddle float uses

I will be contacting the winners shortly for sizes and addresses. Thanks for playing. I hope to have another contest soon! Also, if you know of other people that want one, get me a size and I will make sure we get extras made.

If you have an idea for another contest, let me know.


  1. Hey keith I love the t shirt can i get one too? How much?

  2. I love the graphic!

  3. That looks like a guy I know named Keith Wikle on the front!