DNA of Asian Carp found in Lake Michigan

Flying Asian Carp

Anyone up for giant flying fish in your face while paddling this summer?

I am definitely not. this article from the Chicago Tribune tells a tale of bureaucratic woe. State agencies in Michigan vying for action from both Illinois and Federal Agencies to take action against another invasive species into Lake Michigan. This species could be more devastating than either the lamprey or the zebra mussel and have an even greater impact on the fish and wildlife in the Great Lakes.

The stupidity and ingenuity of humans never ceases to surprise me. We have on one hand state and federal officials (that we elected) willing to ignore/tamper with the largest supply of freshwater in the United States, and then on the other hand devious technology like electric barriers, or chemical grenades to kill the problem. Douglas Adams is probably smiling in heaven at us.

This is the quote that sums up the situation, but most likely spells doom for Lake Michigan.

“Our government’s reaction to the invasion is not keeping pace,” said Jennifer Nalbone, director of Invasive Species for Great Lakes United. “The carp are moving faster than the government and that is an incredible problem because we are not going to get a second chance.”


  1. I know I’m not too informed on the situation of the asian carp situation, but when my buddies and I were fishing an idea came about. There are zoos, wildlife reserves and animal rescues that can’t seem to keep up with the economy and have to put down animals for the reasons that they cannot afford them. These animals eat a lot of meat, why can’t some of it be asian carp? Why not NOT put a limit on how many carp you can catch and keep to donate to the animal facilities. This way we are making a dent in the population of asian carp and feeding the animals in need. Maybe if a deal could be made between the animal facilities and fishermen-bring a fish equals a free pass to the zoo? Its a thought, but would it work?

  2. Perhaps you could talk to the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans for advice on controlling the carp. In Canada we've virtually eliminated cod from the Atlantic, with the help of some European nations, simply by using draggers to harvest them in unstainable numbers while simultaneously destroying their habitat. Surely the carp have a commercial use? Fertilizer? Food?