Riot Ninja 7-6 Surf Kayak Video and Price List

Riot Price List
Riot Price List

Riot Announces Pricing on New Surf Kayaks

Team riot via the Rapid Transit Blog announced their new Surf Kayak price list.

They also have a sweet video of the Riot Ninja 7’6″ Surf Kayak in action.

Riot Surf Kayak Price List is as follows:

Ninja 6-8: $1149
Ninja 7-6: $1199
Sword IC: $1249

Sorry no embed option off of the rapid transit web site. Also beware you may need the most updated revision of Adobe Flash to even watch the video. Their error sniffing leaves a lot to be desired. There was no indication of failure when I tried to play the video, I had to take a guess and update my flash player. Better to post it to YouTube or Vimeo anyway. *sigh*


  1. I bear in mind like I’m continuously looking by reason of inviting things to pore over near by a number of topics, but I be successful to incorporate your set up amongst my personal reads every life time since you provide delivery in order to compelling entries which i look on in order to.

  2. Hey thanks for the response, I was thinking specifically of Express Install for Flash:

    Hey if you are doing a Rollyo (roll your own) FLV player, the best way to make sure people see your video content is to use the express install option. They have the javascript available on

    This ensures that any user who has flash 6 or above automatically upgrades to the specified version of flash in your player. The user will most likely not even realize they have been updated.

    For users with 6 and below it won’t be obvious they need an upgraded plugin, but based on the number of users who have this old plugin and browser combo it will be a much smaller number.

    Hope this helps,


  3. Hey Keith,

    Thanks for posting this on your site. Right below the video player on Rapid Transit we have a text that says “You must have the latest version of Adobe’s Flash Player to view the videos on this site.” with a link to the Adobe Flash update. Is there a way we can make that more apparent? I’m not sure what else we can do. Sorry for any problem.

    We really don’t want to post all our videos on youtube. Rather have people visit our web site to watch the videos. Oh, the other way is that you can subscribe to the podcast and get the videos that way. It’s free. Open iTunes, go to the music store and search for Rapid Transit. That Ninja video will go up as a podcast soon.
