Package Deal for Kayak Pool Sessions 2012

Buckle up paddlers and rejoice, here is the chlorine-filled, upside down deal of the new year you’ve been waiting for! Spend your Black Friday hanging out in your jammies, rather than camping out in front of a big box store waiting for a plasma tv.

Do you want to learn to eskimo roll your kayak? Do you want to learn some new rescues in the pool?

This deal is for you. Kayak pool lessons won’t make you skinnier, more beautiful, put more hair on your head, or make you last longer in bed, but it will make your paddling safer and more effecient when spring rolls around.

In the past we have only offered pool sessions by price one at a time. To that we say, nonsense, bah, snort, giggle, laugh. To make things as fun and effecient as possible, we are offering rolling and rescue packages for 2012.

Go Kayak Now! can offer a 4 session deal for rolling/rescues for $100. This is over 15% savings for the sessions for a 4 session commitment.

email yours truly me @ go kayak now dot com to receive this valuable offer. For Pool Dates and details check out our Kayak Lessons page.

Or you can message me on facebook.